Saturday, September 26, 2015

Put on your Redress Dress and Redress!

This is my Redress Dress!  Hopefully you are familiar with First Amendment of the US Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I'm sure that many of you find the First Amendment as inspiring as I do and in your spare time realize your inclined to construct a dress covered with angry tweets by people claiming to be blocked by their public officials because you know this would make a great, maybe not-so-obvious, form of a textile-protest-art-project.  No, I'm sure I'm not the only one....

Here are some of the interesting tweets you'll see on the Redress Dress:

I also included complaints from people from other countries because they still share very similar rights of free speech and open government:

However, my favorite part of the dress pays special tribute to Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed.  I found this excellent article, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed is Blocking Constituents and Journalists on Twitter, that details Reed's bad blocking behavior.  I was excited when I received the author's permission to reprint the article to sew onto the front of my Redress Dress!  I felt this was an important feature of the dress because I've discovered that mayor Reed is probably one of the worst offenders of unlawfully using Twitter's block feature to silence dissent.

This is mayor Reed's response to the issue:

Did I mention Mayor Reed earned his juris doctorate from Howard University School of Law?

So, let's evaluate what is more dumb: caring about being blocked by your elected official or spending so much time, money, and effort to graduate from law school ill-prepared to apply existing Constitutional and open government laws to everyday scenarios only to then become mayor of a major US city who creates a Twitter account in which he uses to make himself look like a fool?

I've been blocked by the @KasimReed account and this is what I see when I try to access it:

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